Training and Workshops

CPD and topical workshops to keep you on top of your HR game

Todays organisations are often developing training within a budget so need to see the highest level of effectiveness on what is important not necessarily on everything.  With over 30years experience in developing global training and coaching programmes for companies of all sizes, Shrewd can support all people areas of the business from the expected HR activities through to personal development (within areas such as emotional intelligence, resilience, communication etc…) and into team-based performance and leadership, as well as developing a multi-tiered approach to organisational culture development.

All our bespoke leadership and management programmes look at the full development of the person – these are not just training courses to tick a box in. With this they include;

Co-development of programme (as needed) of training broken into core messages and micro-processors (example such as behavioural sprints etc…).

Ability to follow frameworks around personal and leadership development.

Full measurement of effectiveness of development on commencement and on completion giving a solid ROI, including development of bespoke assessment tools as needed.

Tracking changes in behavioural traits or emotional intelligence using apps and modern technologies (as applicable).

Coaching or mentoring support (as required) with tracking using latest AI and software.

Modern development of content, materials and media which are flexible in their delivery but also accessible for all.

Fully-accredited verified trainers, coaches and mentors.

Accreditations given where applicable.

Our standard programmes include;

HR essentials for SMEs

90-Minute Training Session, Sharing Expertise on:

The HR Basics – what they are and why they’re important

The HR and employment law risks for your business and how to ensure your organisation is protected

HR for Direct Managers

Effective HR for office managers, team-leaders and line managers.

Modular Training Programme with Eight 90-Minute Sessions (delivered to align with each company).

Recruitment, onboarding and probation.

Performance management

Managing sickness absence (short and long-term)

Dealing with grievances

Dealing with conflict and discipline

Succession planning, effective training and development

Using HR Management systems to drive effectiveness of your HR activity.

Using talent analytics to focus the optimal ROI of your HR activity.

HA Discovery

Creating positive, hard-working teams for every function.

Pre-course:  Complete assessment and team report.

2 x 3-Hour Group Workshops (+ Optional 121 Coaching)

Help employees understand their strengths and the value they bring to their team

Use proven assessment tools to promote respectful, productive and positive working relationships

Encourage effective communication across virtual boundaries

Demonstrate how to recognise and adapt to individual working styles within a team

Leadership Essentials

Laying the foundations for effective leadership

Pre-course:  Complete assessment and team report.

2-Hour Group Workshop,with content including;

Identify your own leadership style

Recognise benefits of adapting your approach to suit individuals’ needs

Understand the 4 key areas of effective delegation

Explore how to get the best out of your team members

The Aspirational Leader

For new leaders who want to hit the ground running

2:5-hour Group Workshop with content including;

Understand the foundations for effective leadership

Define the difference between leadership and management

Recognise the challenges of leading a team and how to overcome them

Identify clear objectives in your Personal Development Plan

The Intentional Leader

For existing leaders who want to stand-out, inspire their employees into making their workplace the place people wish to work.

4-Month Modular Programme + Optional 1-2-1, Team or Peer Coaching

Understanding your personal Emotional Intelligence, your current leadership capabilities and your potential in leading others.

Recognise benefits of adapting your approach to suit individuals’ needs but remaining true to your and the organisation’s values.

Understand the 4 key areas of effective delegation

Explore how to develop your performance discussions to include current and potential performance as well as engagement and job-fit in order to get the best out of your team members

Giving feedback and dealing with difficult conversations

Exploring team dynamics, building trust and motivation.

Coaching conversations and using them to drive high performance

Completion of HA assessment to show emotional intelligence and leadership capabilities as well as the derailers to leadership performance present.

Cup with strapline

Interested in how our training and workshops can help your business? Contact us below.

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